Sunday 7 October 2012

Attitude Building - I

What is attitude? What do you understand when a person says attitude? Nowadays attitude has been limited to a type of response in which you do not care what the other person feels. You show attitude. But this is not enough.
Definition of Attitude
Attitude can be defined as the way of behaving towards other. Another definition, and possibly an in depth meaning of attitude, is how you perceive an idea or how you react to a situation, person or event.

Now this word perception is very important. Perception means the interpretation of received signals into something meaningful. Perception can be regarded as a filter with which you see the world. An example will probably help you understand.
Perception can be thought of as spectacles a person wears. If there is dust upon these spectacles then the whole world seems dusty. But if this dust is cleared then this world is seen as a very beautiful place.

One’s perception leads one to destiny. Actually perception can be defined as the basic building block of the building of your destiny. 
The following flow chart explains this phenomenon.

See how our journey starts at ‘Perception’ and eventually leads to our ‘Destiny’.
Performance based on Attitude:
Performance is a factor which has been under the consideration of scientists for a very long time. Scientists have been always looking to develop the right equation for performance. In the beginning performance was defined by the following equation.
Performance= Knowledge + Skills

The above equation explains that performance is equal to knowledge plus the skills. This was the first equation developed by the scientists but it was felt that something was missing. And then scientists came up with another equation which simply changed the value of performance.
Performance = (Knowledge + Skills)* Attitude

Yes this was the equation that changed the value of performance. People started to think that why was performance given such an equation. Performance could have been given
Performance = Knowledge + Skills + Attitude

But it wasn't given. Why was performance given the above equation?
The next part of this skill will be posted in the next article so keep connected.

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